About Sandra


Spiritual Tree

My Life’s Purpose

With my connection to the universe and my unique insight I help myself and others live their dreams!

Mission Statement

It is my deepest desire that through my reading I help people move forward see there blocks and move through them! I believe that when you sit with a physic they show you the window for today and it is our job to empower you to make choices in your life or not, for truly it is your path.

You see I believe that each and every one of us has a gift, talent, genius to share on this earth and by empowering you to live your dreams believe in your self and move foreword through those block life has created for you!  You can be your genius and live your dreams.

Living Your Dreams

I have always been inspired by people who are living their Hearts Desire, their dream. I feel that there comes a time when you are called to service, to do more, be more and for me it is doing my readings.

When I sit with a client I am living my dream. Readings for me is my soul work and is not a game. I put my heart and soul into each reading I do. It is my heart’s desire that my clients are touched and moved within the reading. Whether it be moving forward from great tragedy, seeing possibilities for the future, messages from loved ones, or just needing to get a different perspective on life. I am there for my clients’ needs whatever that may be in the moment. I never know what is going to happen in a reading I just let the reading happen and let spirit guide us.

I have come up with a unique style to my readings combining numerology, Russian Gypsy cards and finishing the reading with the angel cards. My Mediumship comes when needed throughout the readings. How I came up with what I do well let’s just say it fell into my lap.

As a Child I was a dreamer and would dream of things to come, Scared and alone not having any teachers not realizing I had a gift. I would try and push those dreams away, away they would not go they would take on other forms a knowing, a feeling, a question even. My physic abilities grew as I grew and I would find myself with people randomly siting with me telling me there stories and I would always have something to offer. I started reading cards for people in my late teens and found a love in what I was doing, making a difference.



“I have known Sandra for almost 4 decades and am thrilled to see her finally living her passion!
Sandra’s approachable manner and genuine desire to help others shine through in every reading. Her beautiful gifts come from a place of love and deeper understanding. Her sessions are comfortable, insightful, honest and meaningful, offering clarity and guidance to real-life situations. – Vicki R


Exploring My Gifts

During a reading, that I gave to two women who both were dealing with tragic deaths, I had the profound realization that my readings were more than just psychic. Those readings sent me on a path that changed my life and allowed me to accept an opportunity to journey to England and attend the Arthur Findley Collage for Mediumship to explore my gifts further.

I have always known it is a great responsibility to read for people and I have always taken my readings seriously. Dealing with such extreme tragedy and seeing how spirit moved through me to get their message across to help lift the sorrow so those two beautiful ladies could begin breathe again and start living life made me want to give more, be more for my clients.

I make no promises in my readings I just let them happen guided by spirit. I do feel they bring insight, meaning and clarity to the sitter, laughter and yes sometimes tears.

I invite you to a make an appointment with me so you can experience what I have to offer. I’ll show you the window for today so you can make the changes if needed.

Humbly in your service,






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